Welcome to TheFulcrum.Press


TheFulcrum.Press is the content publishing arm of TheFulcrum.Agency, a practice of architects, project managers and grant writers who support First Nations-led projects across Australia.

The Journal was created because, in business and in life, we are continuously opening up conversations about where we want to place our energy, how we want to spend our time and where we want to make an impact.

100% of all revenue generated through journal sales will be distributed to First Nations community projects through TheFulcrum.Fund.


 __Latest Issue: Equity

Issue 04: Equity

This issue sets out to explore equity, and in doing so highlights and foregrounds inequity, often easier to describe and demonstrate in our contemporary society. Inside are discussions of the role of equity in finance (always good to have lots of equity!), in society, in housing, in how our governments act towards us, in what pandemics expose, in who owns what and how. We often frame our work in the pursuit of equity. It provides a challenge to our values and ambitions, and yet is equity enough?

This is the fifth edition of this journal that we’ve delivered since starting TheFulcrum.Agency. Each edition has helped us clarify our thinking, broaden our relationships, and remind us of why we practice. We hope it has a similar impact on you.

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 __Back Issues

Issue 03: Commune

Originally, we had thought about calling this issue Community, but Mark (Braddock) had the genius idea of reframing this to Commune — he thought it was a little less ‘Freo’. His suggestion certainly blew things open and gave us a chance to think of commune, community and the connection between the two in a whole new way. Price includes shipping.

Read Commune on Issuu

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Issue 02: Leverage

‘Leverage’ — a word we’ve been playing with since starting TheFulcrum.Agency.

For us, the word is inextricably linked to who we are and how we practice. Finding the point of leverage (aka the fulcrum) and creating impact through conscious action is at the heart of how we contribute to projects. We have thrown ourselves headfirst into this pursuit. Price includes shipping.

Read Leverage on Issuu

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Issue 01: Agency (Sold Out)

What better word than ‘agency‘ to focus the second edition of our journal around. As with Pivot, we started with our own loose meaning, have delved deeper and learned so much through the contribution of others.

Agency is both a noun and a verb. To be an agency and to have agency are two quite distinct things, yet we are interested in what it might mean to be and do both. Price includes shipping.

Read Agency on Issuu

Issue 00: Pivot (Sold Out)

‘Pivot’ is an old word but with new significance. In the brash, confident world of Silicon Valley, it has come to refer to the need to adapt and iterate, and to shift the experience into new, more positive territory. In short, it is a word that turned failure into a rite of passage for the innovator and made it a strength rather than a weakness. It celebrates those that are not afraid, those that are open to change, are agile and resilient.

Read Pivot on Issuu